Thursday 17 January 2013

Night shifts

Night shifts and diets dont agree...

Sleeping all day eating too much at night causes me... (I dont know about anyone else) to bloat out. I try to keep my meal times the same during the day.

My night routine is:

Breakfast on the first night at normal time

Try and make lunch as late as possible

Dinner eat something small and save my shake for later

The 2am hunger pangs allow for my saved shake and further snacking as required on fruits such as grapes or blueberries that I had last night :).

Once I have done one night shifts its........

Breakfast one the way or once I get home before I go to bed.

Lunch when I wake up... usually about 2pm

And then from then on stays the same as the previous day with my light dinner and snacking at 2am.

It does fiddle with your natural body clock a little and you start to feel hungry through the night but its only because you are awake and normally if you were awake in the day for instance you are eating at certain intervals in the day but being awake for so many hours and not eating confuses your body even though normally you would be asleep at this time.

Having my shakes has been a little easier as they are light and its a pleasant change from the usual snacking that goes on throughout night shifts especially when there are crisps and sweets around.

So im awake again now ready for another nightshift to begin and im not looking forward to it for the pure fact that tonight we are expecting SNOW to come in throughout the night..... 

When there is snow in England... people panic and everything grinds to a halt... people find it hard getting into work (some through lack of trying) and that then means that I cant get home or I cant leave because tehre is nobody to take over from me and that then leaves patients without nurses which doesnt go down very well.

Hopefully it doesnt come to much and I can get home to my bed and blog again tomorrow :)

For now .........

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