Sunday 20 January 2013

My Fitness Pal

So along with doing the Cambridge diet; I am using My fitness Pal to log all my calories and activity.

My fitness pal is great
Heres what its all about :)

Lose Weight with — for FREE!

Losing weight isn't easy - we know. But with a membership to, you'll get the tools you need to successfully take weight off - and keep it off. And best of all, everything on our site is 100% FREE. So put away your credit card - you'll never have to pay a cent.
Study after study has confirmed the benefits of keeping track of the food you eat and the activity you do. It's simple - the more consistently you track your food intake, the more likely you are to lose weight. That's why every successful weight management program suggests that you keep a food diary and/or an activity log. But recording everything you eat without the right tools can be tedious at best, or simply impossible at worst.
At, we focus on making sure you can log your meals as quickly and easily as possible. Because the easier we make it for you, the more likely you are to stay on track, and the more likely you are to succeed in your weight loss goals.

How does it work?

The reason our system is so easy to use is because it learns from you! All of us tend to eat the same foods over time. remembers what you've eaten and done most often in the past, and makes it easy for you to add those foods again to your log.

So the more you track your meals, the easier it becomes!

With a 100% FREE membership you get:

  • The easiest to use food diary on the web -
    Track what you eat with just a few clicks from anywhere with an internet connection - at home or at work
  • A searchable food database of over 2,371,000 items -
    and it's growing everyday!
  • Your own personal food database -
    add your own foods and recipes at any time and access them from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Free mobile apps for iPhone and Android -
    so you can log your meals and exercise even when you are on the go
  • Support and motivation
    from people just like you - Our discussion forums let you learn from others, share your own tips, receive and give encouragement, and make friends.
  • A personalized diet profile
    - customized to your unique weight loss goals.
  • Flexibility
    - our system can support any diet like Atkins, the South Beach Diet, the Zone, and more. No matter what diet you're on, we can help.
What I love about MFP!!!!

Well besides an easy way to help me keep track of my measurements and the food and activity I put my body through; it calculates work out burn correlational to your weight!

The best bit is the friends you make. People are always looking for new friends to help them along their way and are always welcome of the friend requests.

I have made some like minded friends that cheer me on when I log in from day to day and when I am under my calore goal.

Its great to see how much other people have lost and their success stories are a real motivator :)

Get logging!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have done other calorie counting in the past (Sparkpeople..) but MFP is by far the easiest and I also LOVE the fact that you can bar code scan items in using the app on the phone!
