Wednesday 28 August 2013

Head cold

So bank holiday has come and gone and I felt amazing having gone back to the gym. By the evening I felt like my head was about to explode.

You see Mark has had a cold and yeap you guessed it.... he gave it to me. :(

My throat had been sore but I thought I had escaped the cold.

That night I slept for all of three hours and had to go to work and do a 14 hour shift. So by the time I got home last night I was knackered.

I woke up this morning with this awful head cold and pretty much no voice left. But I felt ok in myself so I decided to still go to my appointment at the gym with the instructor making my personalised program :)

I got home and felt ok after id showered. But as the day wore on I felt worse. So its a quiet night for me and a day at work tomorrow.

Proud if myself today for walking to and from the gym and still getting my 10, 000 steps in a day :)

A picture Mark sent to me of his lunch :) really getting into it bless him :)

Monday 26 August 2013

The Gym

Hi bloggers
Today has been a good day for me :)
Today for the first time in over a year........... I went back to the gym..
I loved every minute of it :) I never realised how much I missed the atmosphere. There was something different this time though. In the form of a gym buddy.
Yea that's right. I managed to get my other half Mark to join me :)
He has recently decided that he needs to join me on my weight loss quest and to shape up for himself. So we both joined the gym together ;)
I want to thank MFP's as they have really helped me realise how much of a special thing it is to do this together :)
I am sure I am going to love going to the gym with him :) and on my own for that matter. 
The gym I joined is one where I have been a member before; but they treated me as if I was brand new and got me all excited once more :)
I am going back on Wednesday to have my very own program assembled to challenge me and focus on my problem areas that I want  to combat :) I'm reallllly looking forward to it.
I am proud of Mark for wanting to join me and I am going to help him too as much as he is helping me ;)
We walked to the gym and back and did an hour there. I really felt totally refreshed and relaxed once I'd got home and showered.
For dinner tonight Mark has started off well :) by making me a gorgeous risotto with chorizo and mixed Mexican beans in. I have to say chorizo has to be one of my favourite ingredients to use in cooking so love him for that :)
Another thing that's gone well today??? Well I have rekindled my spirit and made dinner ready for my long shifts and evening shifts. ... instead of just taking soup because its easy.... I have pre made something to take tomorrow and the next day and even pre logged it on MFP. If I can keep this up I know I will be a lot more focussed and see a lot more results.
I'm working another 16 hour day tomorrow so those meals will come on handy ;) so its off to bed early for me. But before I go :) I want to say how well all of my pals on MFP are doing. They keep me going and I love logging in everyday in the hope of keeping them on track with encouragement too :)
Dinner pre made
Cambridge shakes all ready :)
and my lovely chorizo and mixed bean risotto dinner tonight made by my Marky :)
Night bloggers :)

Sunday 25 August 2013


Its just been one of those weeks really. I havevtried really hard some dats then others I have craved carbs :/ I know I need to get backnon my shakes to kick my ass into gear.

I have officially re joined the gym :) so I will be back in there getting my burn on soon :)

My man has been away andbits been weird but ive been so busy with work that I barely had time to exercise. He is now on a fit burst so together we are going to the gym :)

Speak soon bloggers

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Working at night

So as you all know. I am a nurse. I work shift work including night shifts.

Heres what I think of them............. blueeeeeergggghhh

I dont mind the work but the hours impact on my weight loss!!!

When you work nights there are two things you can do.

1. Eat at the same time of day as you would in the day time and nothing at night.
2. Eat overnight so have breakfast when u go to work lunch at midnight and dinner at 4 am ish....

Both of these seem to fail me.

Basically I eat as and when I feel hungry. I usually have a meal before I go to work. Snack on fruit overnight and have breakfast as I get home and go to bed.

This is all well and fine most of the time... sometimes I for sure dont eat enough.

But last night...

I wanted to eat everything in sight.  It was crazy. I had my fruit and yoghurt at 2am when the normal hunger pangs hit, I drank plenty oc water. But at 3 I felt like I hadnt eaten and wanted/craved bread.......

I dont know whether this was my body saying it needed a bit more sustenance as I hadnt eaten much during the day ( due to a mammoth sleep ) but its the first time I had reaaaalllly craved eating.

I got very snacky overnight last night and even had a few cheeky sweeties.

But the nights are over now and im going for a run tonight with the bf ;) and we are having our gym induction :)

Sleep is calling me for a few more zzzzzzzzz to give me the energy for this so speak later :) 

Friday 16 August 2013


Working as a nurse full time doing mainly 40 hour weeks :/ I find it hard to get whole days to myself where I can get a really good solid workout in.

As a result if many night shifts and 16 hour shifts over the last few months my wirkouts have suffered.  Ok I admit I could have done more; ive been having days off but they are jam packed with helping plan 2 weddings in just over a months time.

My night shifts I could do more in the morning before my first one, and late shifts i could spend a short time doing something.

But this is all about to change.

On my calender I have written all my shifts and what workout im going to do :) night shifts and long days are my rest days because I don't gave the time physically to fit anything in. But all of my days before after nights and my other day shifts all have allocated run slots or time on the static bike.

I have spoken to my boyfriend who now wants to join the gym :) so I will now be renewing my gym membership and going to that with him at least on evenings I am free :)

Im looking forward to seeing the change in my body as I have seen it change for the worse whilst I havnt been so active :/ 

Target set inches written pictures taken lets get going !!!!!!!!!!! 

At 15 stone 5 and a half pounds let get that number down :)

Sunday 11 August 2013

Sad face :(

So update...

Ive recently been for a few tests regarding stomach pains that ive been getting... especially when out running. They have put me off for a few days; they get worse at this T.O.M.

I have had 2 ultra sounds and they have discovered a large cyst to one of my ovaries. It thankfully hasnt got any larger than the last scan 6 weeks ago but my pains are getting worse..... I am now constantly taking analgesia.

I have a referral to see a consultant in 6 weeks time and they need to decide what they are going to do about the cyst. Another thing they are going to look at is endometriosis. 

Its really setting me back this week but I will be back when this week is over....

Its been my mans birthday today so its also been another reason not to do anything

O well muscle on ;)

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Black wednesday

Us in 'the biz' know today as Black Wednesday.  Today is the day that the doctors all change to new ones and its mayhem.

And today has been a bit of a black snack day for me today too :(.

I have just wanted to eat everything in sight. Its not like me :/

I start nights tonight and that dnacking can only continue but im going to try my best to curb it with good old english tea :)

So heres to getting over nights and back out running over the weekend :)

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Running :)

So work has been really busy for a few days and I finally had a whole day off :). Yesterday at work I did well over my 10000 target steps. No wonder my feet were killing me after doing nearly 18000.

But today was my free day :) I had a lie in; did some shopping and decided I would go out for a run.

Wahoooo :)

Ive been back out a couple of times on an off for the last few months really; what with going on holiday and working lots. I had simply lost track of it and if im honest..... lost my passion for it.

The times ive been out I have struggled to get 2 miles in without needing to stop and walk for a bit and have also done a shorter route. This was adding to my reducingbpassion for it all.

So whats different now??

Well I am determined to get back into it and am refusing to give up on it. Someone said to me that maybe I was bored of my route?? But where I live there is not really much of an alternative route unless I go on some very busy roads.

So my friend suggested doing it backwards. The hills you go up now go down and vis versa and that it will feel like a completely different run.

They were right :)

I went out this afternoon and did it backwards. The hills I normally went up at the beginning we at the end and it allowed me to get further without feeling like I needed to stop.

That feeling of needing to stop didnt come until right near the end. The only issue doing it backwards is I have a rather large long hill upwards back to home after already having done 3 miles. It was getting tiring and I could feel myself slowing and right down. I pushed tbrough and in yotal probably only walked all of a couple of metres :)

I was so proud of myself having done it I feel like its rekindling my love for it all again :)

Monday 5 August 2013


Its work and its busy :(

Ive been walking an average of 14000 steps in a day :/

But food wise has been good :) sticking to my shakes :)

More photos soon to follow

Friday 2 August 2013


So I've been away on my holidays... I was updating my blog and my one decided it would be continuously trying to save the blog post as a draft... would not let me open or change it and or delete it so I've been stuck waiting for the admin team to help me resolve the issue.

But now i'm back :)

So I did lose track of my blogging and have lost my streak of running. But food wise I have stayed well and am still remaining at 15 stone 2 lbs currently :)

I have been back out running a couple of times since being back but I have also been crazy busy with work and trying to squeeze in extra shifts as me and Mark have decided to buy a house :) that's right people i'm saving for a house deposit and hopefully in a years time will have saved enough of a deposit to start looking for houses :).

So my time to get exercise has been less but my busy working hours have been more and I have been consistently walking my target 10000 steps my fitbit tracks :)

I have taken some up to date pictures and have definitely noticed that I am less toned when I don't get my runs in. So that has now spurred me on to get back out there and under that 15 stone mark once more.

I have 6 weeks until I am bridesmaid for my lovely Sister and 7 weeks until my best girl's :) I am mega excited for both weddings and am really on a kick start to get those dresses looking sleek :)

So guys this is me saying IM BACK.

Heres some photos :)