Wednesday 21 August 2013

Working at night

So as you all know. I am a nurse. I work shift work including night shifts.

Heres what I think of them............. blueeeeeergggghhh

I dont mind the work but the hours impact on my weight loss!!!

When you work nights there are two things you can do.

1. Eat at the same time of day as you would in the day time and nothing at night.
2. Eat overnight so have breakfast when u go to work lunch at midnight and dinner at 4 am ish....

Both of these seem to fail me.

Basically I eat as and when I feel hungry. I usually have a meal before I go to work. Snack on fruit overnight and have breakfast as I get home and go to bed.

This is all well and fine most of the time... sometimes I for sure dont eat enough.

But last night...

I wanted to eat everything in sight.  It was crazy. I had my fruit and yoghurt at 2am when the normal hunger pangs hit, I drank plenty oc water. But at 3 I felt like I hadnt eaten and wanted/craved bread.......

I dont know whether this was my body saying it needed a bit more sustenance as I hadnt eaten much during the day ( due to a mammoth sleep ) but its the first time I had reaaaalllly craved eating.

I got very snacky overnight last night and even had a few cheeky sweeties.

But the nights are over now and im going for a run tonight with the bf ;) and we are having our gym induction :)

Sleep is calling me for a few more zzzzzzzzz to give me the energy for this so speak later :) 

1 comment:

  1. I have to totally give you props! The fact that you are even able to exercise and still try to eat right with that crazy schedule is amazing to me!

    Today is a new day, maybe try to substitute some healthier snacks for those moments that you just have to eat something.
