Monday 28 January 2013

1 month down

Ok so we are nearing the end of the first month, I feel like I have done fairly well, I also know that I could have deffinately done better.

I am nearing the one stone mark and have lost a few inches :)

I have taken some up to date pictures and posted them on the other page :) and I will next month take some again in the same ways so that I can really see a comparison :)

I am still doing my cambridge diet but am also combining it with healthy living and eating. you see I dont mind the shakes but I at the same time dont want to discourage myself from eating normally. therefore my weight loss process will be slower than on the traditionally cambridge but will also be better in the long run :)

Im really enjoying my running and am increasing it slowly :)

I had this week off of work and its been harder to keep track of things and avoid the boredom snacking!!! But I still managed to weigh in with sally and lose 1.5 lbs :)

Im getting there slowly and am really looking forward to my weight loss journey progressing :)

Heres to another good month at the same speed :)

Sunday 27 January 2013

Not being a work

So I have been off work for the last week; meaning that I havn't been as active as my job keeps me busy all day. I have been going out for my run most days and have done 30DS for a few days (but not consecutively).

I have now managed to up my distance on my run to now 2.4 miles :) feeling really impressed with myself as even on the first time I did extend it; I still managed to do the rest of the route without stopping :).

I took my boyfriend out for a run with me on Saturday. He has been out a couple of times with me before and seems to do ok, ( much better than I did on my first goes). But half way round the case of the chocolate ankles kicked in. He turned is ankle and we had to walk the rest of the way home. It was still really nice for him to be involved in it with me :) and he's going to do it more often in the week when I'm home on an evening :)

I dont feel like I have lost much weight this week, I guess the combined factors of a meal out and not being as active. Weigh in tomorrow may be interesting :S I'm sure Sally will understand :P

I do still feel 100% better in myself I feel like I have more energy even on so little calories and I feel that my general spirits have lifted, especially when people say i'm doing so well :)

Sunday (today) was baking day... :s ..... you see I got a new mixer for christmas and instead of leaving it in the attic until me and Mark finally buy our house. We really wanted to use it.... so now there is a mountain of temptation in my fridge in the form of jam tarts, fresh cream victoria sponge and a chocolate sponge. So far I have had 1 jam tart, but I  havnt gone near the cake.

Here is a picture :) or 3 :P

Thursday 24 January 2013

A better day

So this morning I woke up and took the view that yesterday was just another day and that whatever went on couldnt be changed and that I had to move on to the next one.

So Today I got up fairly late as it is my week off after all :) I had my Mango shake :) and I went for my normal run despite there being snow on the pavements still; It meant I just had to run on the roads :)

When I got back I felt great as for not having run for a whole week due to night shifts and snow, I only had to stop breifly enough to tie my laces on my trainers :) I want to go out again this afternoon I missed it so much :).

Instead of getting home and jumping straight in the shower I decided that I would do the Jillian Michaels 30DS day 3 as yesterday was my rest day :) I felt amazing even after 2 workouts :) My milkshake after was a strawberry :) really felt that I was replacing my sore muscles (that werent as sore as I thought they would be) with the much needed protein :)

I got in a nice hot shower after stretching and cooling down properly and have drunk a litre bottle of water already today and its only 3pm.

Later I will have my normal shake which is tonight a chocolate one :) and then I intend to spend the evening with my man when he gets home :)

A productive day at least :)

Wednesday 23 January 2013


Today was a lush day from the point of view that I threw a suprise baby shower for one of my closest friends Izzy and another friend Hannah travelled the 3 hour journey especially for it and I havnt seen her for 3 years since she left for university.

So the shower involved cake crisps and sweets. The cake and crisps I passed on but I had a couple of jelly baby sweets. I thought I was doing so well, then someone had the idea that we should go out for dinner before Hannah had to travel home.

We went to our local Indian restuarant, this is when my day went downhill. I have been doing this shake diet for the purpose of being on a low calorie low carbohydrate diet. Rice= carbs and the whole Curry aspect = excess calories

Today has been my rest day aswell so I feel guilty that I havnt done any exercsie to compensate for these excess calories I have consumed today :(

Tomorrow I will go out for a run despite the snow and I intend to do Jillians 30DS as today has been my rest day and I need to make up for it!! I will however only be doing my shorter run as I dont want to push it!!!

On a plus side however you may have noticed my pounds lost ticker has gone up by 1. I lost 1.2 pounds since I last weighed in. This will have without a doubt gone back on with today but I totally intend to shred much more off and slowly but surely I will get to my goal weight

I already feel better in myself and feel that my clothes fit better. Like today I put on my monsoon trousers that were a bit tight the last time I wore them ( and the 10 times before that) but today they felt a nice fit :) I want to feel like this in everything I wear and buy smaller clothes and especially feel better in my skin by May when I go on holiday and hopefully brave a bikini :)

New photos will follow soon once I have got to the end of my first month :)

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Goooood Evening

Evening blogisphere

So I decided to see what this 30 day shred was all about :)

I ordered the DVD because I knew if I paid for it that I would be more likely to use it as otherwise it would have been a waste of money.

Today was day 2. Yesterday I felt ok but when I woke up this morning boy did I ache. and not just in my legs and arms all over!!

I perserverred and did today as well and my muscles still ache but they feel easier having loosened them up.

I wanted to get back out for a run but this evil white stuff keeps falling from the sky and ruining my plans!!! I couldnt run on the pavements as they were and it all started to thaw out and then half 4 this afternoon it decided it wasnt done with stopping my plans and dropped another foot of snow on us.

My boyfriend nearly skidded his car hitting into our wall but missed it by a metre at the most. we had to push him onto the drive :S and its still coming down now!!

Tomorrow was supposed to be my rest day but I have decided I am going to do some light stretching and try the yoga on the wii just to loosen up my muscles :)

I have been good as far as Cambridge goes today. I have had my 3 shakes as per normal but snuck half a packet of crisps in the afternoon as I was out and had nothing on me but those that were in my car :( I felt bad... but I have not had an evening meal yet tonight as I havnt really felt hungry... I may have an extra milkshake today which is what my consultant advised on days like this or when I do night shifts.

Im really pleased.

I didnt get to update yesterday as I was really 'snowed under' excuse the pun :P but I went to weigh in with Sally my consultant and she measured me and told me I had lost a total of 5 1/2 inches off of my body. Mark however wasnt too impressed when I told him that most of the inches happened to come off of my boobs :P. My step dad (RIP) always used to say that more than a handful was a waste so I told Mark that :P

I also lost a total of 12 lbs so far as you can now see on my tracker that has appeared on my page :)

hoping for an amazing week this week :) x

MMMMM stewed peaches for supper time treat

Thinsperation :)

Sunday 20 January 2013

My Fitness Pal

So along with doing the Cambridge diet; I am using My fitness Pal to log all my calories and activity.

My fitness pal is great
Heres what its all about :)

Lose Weight with — for FREE!

Losing weight isn't easy - we know. But with a membership to, you'll get the tools you need to successfully take weight off - and keep it off. And best of all, everything on our site is 100% FREE. So put away your credit card - you'll never have to pay a cent.
Study after study has confirmed the benefits of keeping track of the food you eat and the activity you do. It's simple - the more consistently you track your food intake, the more likely you are to lose weight. That's why every successful weight management program suggests that you keep a food diary and/or an activity log. But recording everything you eat without the right tools can be tedious at best, or simply impossible at worst.
At, we focus on making sure you can log your meals as quickly and easily as possible. Because the easier we make it for you, the more likely you are to stay on track, and the more likely you are to succeed in your weight loss goals.

How does it work?

The reason our system is so easy to use is because it learns from you! All of us tend to eat the same foods over time. remembers what you've eaten and done most often in the past, and makes it easy for you to add those foods again to your log.

So the more you track your meals, the easier it becomes!

With a 100% FREE membership you get:

  • The easiest to use food diary on the web -
    Track what you eat with just a few clicks from anywhere with an internet connection - at home or at work
  • A searchable food database of over 2,371,000 items -
    and it's growing everyday!
  • Your own personal food database -
    add your own foods and recipes at any time and access them from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Free mobile apps for iPhone and Android -
    so you can log your meals and exercise even when you are on the go
  • Support and motivation
    from people just like you - Our discussion forums let you learn from others, share your own tips, receive and give encouragement, and make friends.
  • A personalized diet profile
    - customized to your unique weight loss goals.
  • Flexibility
    - our system can support any diet like Atkins, the South Beach Diet, the Zone, and more. No matter what diet you're on, we can help.
What I love about MFP!!!!

Well besides an easy way to help me keep track of my measurements and the food and activity I put my body through; it calculates work out burn correlational to your weight!

The best bit is the friends you make. People are always looking for new friends to help them along their way and are always welcome of the friend requests.

I have made some like minded friends that cheer me on when I log in from day to day and when I am under my calore goal.

Its great to see how much other people have lost and their success stories are a real motivator :)

Get logging!!!!

A difference

So I have finished my night shifts.... Normally I have a love hate relationship with the end of night shifts.... I tend to love that I can sleep at night rather than the day and that I can see my wonderful boyfriend on an evening for more than the couple of hours between him getting home and me leaving for work. The hate aspect however is that I normally get home to dicover that I have 9/10 times put on weight :(.

This time was different!!!!

I stepped on the scales this morning to see a 15 as the first figure. A 15!!!!

I dont think I have been less than 16 stone since....... well I cant actually remember. It almost made me cry to be perfectly honest.

My boyfriend saw the look on my face when I walked back in... his words "someone looks happy" my response was hell yeah!!!

So that set my day off with a bang :) .

With doing night shifts I dont have the energy or time to do much if any exercise. Sleeping in the day and having a couple of hours in the evening especially at this time of year when its dark early... doesnt give me much scope.

So seeing as I had finished I really wanted to go for a run and 'blow my cobwebs out' but over the past few days that would have been difficult with all the snow that seema to have fallen here and not wanting to go away.

So instead I went for an hour on the static bike in the bedroom.

The static bike doesnt know whats hit it recently.... I think it thought it was now a horse.... a clothes horse.....

So there is where we are at; me wanting to run which I love!!! I love that I want to run and that I will be skinnier :)

Thursday 17 January 2013

Night shifts

Night shifts and diets dont agree...

Sleeping all day eating too much at night causes me... (I dont know about anyone else) to bloat out. I try to keep my meal times the same during the day.

My night routine is:

Breakfast on the first night at normal time

Try and make lunch as late as possible

Dinner eat something small and save my shake for later

The 2am hunger pangs allow for my saved shake and further snacking as required on fruits such as grapes or blueberries that I had last night :).

Once I have done one night shifts its........

Breakfast one the way or once I get home before I go to bed.

Lunch when I wake up... usually about 2pm

And then from then on stays the same as the previous day with my light dinner and snacking at 2am.

It does fiddle with your natural body clock a little and you start to feel hungry through the night but its only because you are awake and normally if you were awake in the day for instance you are eating at certain intervals in the day but being awake for so many hours and not eating confuses your body even though normally you would be asleep at this time.

Having my shakes has been a little easier as they are light and its a pleasant change from the usual snacking that goes on throughout night shifts especially when there are crisps and sweets around.

So im awake again now ready for another nightshift to begin and im not looking forward to it for the pure fact that tonight we are expecting SNOW to come in throughout the night..... 

When there is snow in England... people panic and everything grinds to a halt... people find it hard getting into work (some through lack of trying) and that then means that I cant get home or I cant leave because tehre is nobody to take over from me and that then leaves patients without nurses which doesnt go down very well.

Hopefully it doesnt come to much and I can get home to my bed and blog again tomorrow :)

For now .........

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Run stretch shower and shake :)

So this morning I wake up to icey cars and roads and I still go out for a run :)

I aimed to go out as I start night shifts tonight and wont get a chance or a (proper chance) to really do it justice as I will be so tired that I will just want my bed.

I was mega impressed with myself this morning :) as I have previously said I find it harder to run in the morning or I 'do worse' and need to stop more. But not today :) YAY.

Today I managed to run my 2.2 miles in 27 minutes :) without stopping once :). I felt really really good when I walked through the door and knew that I had finished without stopping :) from now on im going to do it more often :) I know I can :) and hopefully soon I can increase the distance.

So what with my great start to the morning that has set me up for the day :). i got home and had a nice stretch shower and a shake :)

Heres to running further and to a darn good day today :)

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Monday = weigh in

So yesterday was Monday which meant it was my official weigh in with Sally my Cambridge Diet consultant.

I was pleasantly happy with my 7.5lbs loss in 11 days :) however she said it could have been more if I had been really vigilant with myself and not picked at little things or had my chinese on Saturday.

I then however went out or what was a lovely meal to celebrate my sisters birthday!! .. I tried to choose a nice healthy thing on the menu and went for grilled chicken and new potatoes caeser salad; (much to my familys suprise as I would normally have gone for a grease loaded burger and chips. which believe me I could have done). I feel good for the choice I made

I feel better in myself this week (now that my awful cold has gone) and I feel determined that I will achieve similar results again; however I am dreading it as I am on nights shifts.

A ususal night shift for me invoolves sweets or crisps and lots of tea and coffee with plenty of sugar. This time I will be having to alter my habbits by saving my evening shake and having it around 2 am when the hunger pangs usually kick in. I will need to limit myself to how many cups of tea i have and strictly use sweetner if anything.

Hopefully due to the fact Im asleep most of the day once I have done 1 night shift I will be able to save my lunchtime shake to have in the evening as well and really prevent me from snacking :).

And hopefully later I will be taking my measurements and filling in some details on here of how well the weight loss and inche loss is going :) xx

Saturday 12 January 2013


Has anyone ever noticed the amount of temptations around you when you are on a diet seem to increase????  So many temptations about today.

Firstly shopping with my boyfriend and he decided he wanted a fresh cream cake. I resisted even though he baught 4 one for each of the ret of the family :)

And now his mum kindly tells me that we are having a chinese take away for tea as she has some other people coming over. This is not boding well as I love chinese and I am being very tempted.

My plan is to make myself a stir fry before they order their chinese then I have an excuse to say I dont want any but everytime I speak to them they say " O you can have a little bit" or " well you can be a little bit naughty for one day". Something tells me I'm not going to get away with it!!!

So in minor preporation instead of being defeated by my inability to run due to the pouring rain we are having here... I spend and hour n the static bike. :) I aim to either run or do this everyday as I realised I can just sit and cycle whilst watching my favourite programs or films and that actually nobody bothered me like I thought they would :0

So heres to hoping I get away with no chinese tonight If i dont then its Vegetable chowmein for me and no prawn crackers or spring rolls :)

Friday 11 January 2013


Over the last couple of days I have not really concentrated as much as I could on my diet what with being very busy at work and not getting times to eat my meals..... I snacked :( mainly on peanuts :( .

So from today I am back on it :) and i'm going to blog everyday to keep me focussed.

Shake this morning was after my run :) it was vanilla :)

Ill have my normal shake for lunch and evening me along with my meal.
I have prepped my salad for my evening meal :) Tuna today :)

Back on it and raring for weigh in on monday :) xx

morning vs evening

So since starting cambridge diet I have been trying to also up my exercise. I have been recently 'running' and trying to build up my length that I can run without having to stop and walk but I hadnt been doing it consistently or regularly enough to really imrpove.

I have been trying to go at least three times a week so far and aim to eventually go at least 5 times a week.

So far I have been out on Tuesday and today and aim to go tomorrow or Sunday.

I have been using Endomondo tracker for my running; It is brilliant for what I use it for. One thing it has shown me is the time of day that I run is correlational to how 'well' I do.

When running in the evening after work I can usually manage to stop once in my 2.25 mile run; whereas for the same route this morning I had to stop earlier and twice in total. Ive put this down to time of day. Someone said to me well just run in the evening then...... I'm not sure what I thought of this :( I decided I would rather go out on a run before work and do not as well as I normally could. rather than not go out at all.

I aim to be able to up my length of my run and decrease my times I need to stop to hopefully zero. I must go out after my morning shifts and before my late shifts and at least 3-5 times a week.

Heres to the increase and eventually the half marathon :)

Wednesday 9 January 2013

A Manic Day

Today at work was one of the busiest I have had since I started there.

Being on Cambridge has made me realise how much food our ward has in the staff room at all times. chocolate cake biscuits crisps its endless.

I was exhausted by the time it got to lunch and by the time I had my shake I was really craving a bit of the gorgeoud cake tempting and taunting in front of me.

I had a fruits of the forest shake for breakfast and a cookies and cream shake for lunch. I also snuck a tiny cube of the cake.

I made up for it by walking the long way back to my car :)

Tonight im having Chocolate orange shake :) The hardest thing will be that I am going to meet some friends tonight and they normally along with me have a glass of wine.... tonight I will be on the lemonade I think.

For the next couple of days im working late shifts so I may be a bit MIA but roll on Saturday when i can weigh in in the morning for my first full week weigh in :)

Laters xxx

Tuesday 8 January 2013

After the run

So i went out for my 2.5 mile run in 36mins :) I was impressed as quite a lot of it was uphill :)

I came home and had decided I was going to cook rather than have salad this evening :)

I had chicken dry fried in rosemary cayenne pepper and a drop of light soy sauce :) then i had a portion of brocolli and cauliflower to side :)

It tasted yummy and as my pudding I had a butterscotch flavoured shake...... by the end I was really full :) and feel like I have had a really good day :)


a day off ..... really

So I actually had a day off today :O I know how rare is that :).

So as I was off and would be home at the normal weighing time of 9-30 am I decided a sneeky mid week weigh would be ok :). I was indeed chuffed :)

When I weighed on Saturday I had lost 2 pounds from my start weight. Today I have lost another 2 pounds in 2 days :).

How chuffed was I.

Anyway as far as today goes that obviously set me up on a high note.
I had a chocolate shake for breakfast and a one Mango for lunch.

I am off out for a run with my sister in an hour so will add how successful that was later along with what I managed to decide to have for tea because as yet I havent decided :)

Laters blogisphere

Monday 7 January 2013

Day 4

Today yet again I was up early for work

I had a strawberry milkshake for breakfast whilst driving in to work :P I was running a tad on the late side.

I took my usual large bottle of water and a shake for lunchtime and I got rid of some of my very tempting christmas chocolate by putting it in the staff room :) (gone in minutes with our lot).

Lunch was a chocolate mint shake which has to be approaching one of my favourites actually. Chocolate is always good but the fresh minty taste really makes it nice and enjoyable.

Whilst at work I hopped on the scales. I remember stepping on it not long after xmas and it saying 106 . something kilos  but now it said 104 (was definately at a different time of day though) so I really cant wait for my official weigh in tomorrow (eeeek).

Dinner today was a vanilla shake and a suprise suprise salad :) but this time egg salad. I boiled some eggs after seeing someone on the TV having eggs and soldiers :) used to always be my favourite as a kid :). It went down a treat :). I must say im really not minding having lots of salad even though I thought I thought that I would. It just looked so scrummy. SEE

I was a little naughty when I got home; work was really tough today and I really fancied something chocolatey but instead I had a small white bread roll dipped in balsamic vinegar. I didnt even eat it all which previously would have been gone in seconds with me.
I did some arm exercises with weights and a few minutes of jogging on the spot to work that naughty temptation off :).
Im wearing my jogging bottoms that I had on in my initial photos and I already feel that I have lost my pounch from my belly and feel less bloated.
I'm not sure how much weight I would have lost in these few days but even if it is not much I am already starting to feel like I could achieve great things with this.
Heres to tomorrow morning and my first official personal weigh in.
Wish me luck bloggers.

Sunday 6 January 2013

What a day

So I woke up with a awful cold this morning :( which didnt start me off in the best of moves.

Getting up for work was hard work but I did it and went and did my 9 hour shift at the hospital.

As far as the diet goes..... well

I had my strawberry milkshake for breakfast which along with all the others has been really pleasant; during the morning I drank my usual bottle of water 1.5l. But i was naughty :( at work and it being a Sunday it was obviously roast dinner day... and if there is one thing the kitchens at work do its roast potatoes :( and I snuck one... I couldnt resist :( . It was the first day that I have failed myself and I feel rubbish for it.

It went ok afterwards and I only had my fruits of the forest shake at lunchtime :). When I got home my lovely boyfriend felt sorry for me and made me a honey and lemon tea to soothe my throat. I know I probably shouldnt have it but seeing as I cant have tea of coffee because of the milk and I really needed something to soothe my throat I had it anyway.

I guess its just been on eof those days. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Feeling unwell on this diet is not a good thing so hopefully it passes soon and i can really crack on towards my goal :)

Weigh in will be tuesday morning this week so lets see if any difference has been made yet ;)

They did say it could take at least a week before I notice any difference :( but wooooo fingers crossed.

Heres until tomorro then guys.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Today had been a bit tough getting used to not having my usual ready meal on my break at work....

I had my shake and a salad and it did eventually feel like I was full but when I got to 6 before my break I was starving.

I feel like today still went well :) I didnt get out for a run but work kept me busy enough.

Looking forward to tomorrow which unfortunately is supposed to be the hardest day of the start of this diet... luckily I am on an early shift and that means i get home at 4 so i can really concentrate in it and maybe go for a nice long walk :)

See you tomorrow bloggers

The morning after

So the second day and im up for work. Milkshake one today was mango :) for a shake it was so fresh tasting and really mourish :) 

Well after going out running yesterday; all be it not very far to some, I ache all over. Its mainly my legs and bum but of any area, thats where I really want to combat ;) so NO PAIN NO GAIN I guess :p

Work today may be tough but im sure walking all that way around my ward  will ease these muscles by the time i get home.

Friday 4 January 2013

Exercise wise

Ok so admittedly I didnt get into this what i'd call sorry state; if I were a marathon runner or a gynist or something. To be honest I have never really been one for making a huge effort of the fitness front.

When I was at school, I used to take part in P.E when I was supposed to and even played hockey for the school team. To which I paid with broken fingers. but even at this point i was 'unfit' and couldnt really do an awful lot. My fitness levels were low in general.

Nowadays I have a very active job working in a Medical Assessment Unit in a busy hospital in Bath, EN. The majority of my colleagues say that they are exhausted by the end of the shifts and that they are not sure they could do what I do at home.

You see my boyfriend has a younger brother who was born with Cerebral Palsy; when I get home from a busy shift at work; I am a carer for his brother Thomas. He is a very happy chappy who I love lots and I dont see caring for him as a job I do it for love not money.

I dont look after him everyday when I finish work but my days off I try to have him for the day to give his Dad a break; he has recetnly retired to look after Thomas and I feel that he needs a break too.

Anyway I digress

Fitness and healthy eating go together like salt and pepper sugar and spice black and white.

So what am I doing during this weight loss aim of mine??????

Well im running. I have recently started to jog more than run as I would say. I went out today and jogged/ran 2.5 miles in 30 minutes (with a little walking rest in the middle).

My aim is to gradually increase my exercise tolerance and run for longer at a time. The speed / time it takes me is not an issue for me its a case of distance and time.

How did I get into running??

My Mum. My Mum is my inspiration; over the years bringing up 3 children as a dingle parent when my father left my Mums weight issues were as much as an issue for her as mine are to me now... if not more.... at one stage my Mum was a UK size 22. Now many many years down the line she is a size 12-14 and runs 6 miles a day. She started at the same point as me.... barely able to run the distance between 2 street lights and now she runs for 6-7 miles.... Im slowly building my distance im at around 1.5 miles before i have to walk a little and then finish a 2.5 mile loop.

With my Mum I aim by March 2014 to be able to run RUN a half marathon in memory of my late step father who recently passed away with a short but painful battle with lung cancer. He always told me I could do anything I put my mind to.... including training to become a nurse..... and we want to do it for him. And more importantly to raise money for the oncology unit that treated him with such care and compassion.

Any support for running tips of the trade and general encouragement will all be greatfully recieved.

heres to getting my butt running a half marathon in a years time :)

Todays the day

Today I started my new weight loss plan using the Cambridge diet.

So what is it like??

Well it involves having 3-4 shakes a day that are made up with water; plus a low calorie meal.

Shake one for breakfast was vanilla. a flavour I chose as first because I love all things vanilla and I guess I thought that having something I know I like would be the least likely thing to put me off from the start. It was actually suprising pleasant; I wasnt looking forward to it ending :) which put me in great stead for the rest of the day :)

I had another shake at lunchtime was chocolate mint. Which was again really nice tasting :) I was at work and thought that with the job I do that it wouldnt be able to last the rest of the day without some sort of sustinence. But I got through and even went for a run. The shake contains high levels of nutrients including plenty of fibre. This I guess was what kept me from feeling really hungry :)

Sally my consultant warned me that for the first few days i would feel hungry inbetween and that I had to drink plenty of water to try and combat this. I only felt hungry at around 10 am but then again that may well be because I had breakfast at 6am before I left for work.

Im looking forward to seeing how the rest of this diet goes but I think what im looking forward to most is seeing the long awaited results :)

The cambridge diet

So heres what its all about
The Cambridge Plan:

Cambridge Weight Plan is the basis of a flexible range of weight management programmes aimed at both men and women.

Cambridge Weight Plan products can be used as the sole source of nutrition for weight loss with nutritional assurance or combined with conventional food for more gradual weight loss and weight management.

Using the plan: Part of the attraction of Cambridge Weight Plan is the range and flexibility of the programmes. It can be used as the sole source of nutrition (Step1A) or with conventional food (Step1B or higher).
Sole Source and Sole Source Plus can be used for rapid weight loss by people with a BMI of 25 plus one stone.

The higher Steps can also be used for weight loss, but they are also be used for people wishing to work their way up through to stabilisation, by gradually increasing the intake of conventional food.
Your Cambridge Consultant will be able to guide you through the programmes, with advice on preparation, stabilisation and maintenance.



Notes: NICE guidance states that anyone choosing to follow a diet of less than 600kcals should do so under clinical supervision. Your Consultant will explain the process for this.
*CWP = Cambridge Weight Plan

So there it is thats what I will be doing. The cambridge diet .

Weight for it

My name is Kathryn
I'm 22
I'm a newly qualified nurse
I live in the UK
I have a boyfriend called Mark and friends and family that I adore
I have struggled with my weight for really as long as I can remember. Even at a smaller size when I was aged 16; I was still 'bigger' than all my friends and the 'social norm'
and I want to lose weight NOW.

In the past few years I have tried many diets.. fitness regimes.... to try and lose weight but as yet have struggled to get past more than a few pounds that always seem to creep back on plus more.

In the past I have tried things like slimfast or slimming world and all of them I found that within a couple of weeks I would become disheartened when i couldnt lose anymore than a couple of pounds; that to me was water weight... and then it would stay at that level for ages.... the time it took then got me disheartened and I would pick eat especially if the chocolates were out around work.

I have decided to start a blog throughout my journey of my weight loss as I hope that WHEN I begin to notice the difference and eventually get where I want to be; then I can help someone else to begin or perserver with their weight loss journey.

So guys thats me and please follow the blog for my regular updates and eventually photos of progress :)

good luck fellow weight losers :P