Friday 11 January 2013

morning vs evening

So since starting cambridge diet I have been trying to also up my exercise. I have been recently 'running' and trying to build up my length that I can run without having to stop and walk but I hadnt been doing it consistently or regularly enough to really imrpove.

I have been trying to go at least three times a week so far and aim to eventually go at least 5 times a week.

So far I have been out on Tuesday and today and aim to go tomorrow or Sunday.

I have been using Endomondo tracker for my running; It is brilliant for what I use it for. One thing it has shown me is the time of day that I run is correlational to how 'well' I do.

When running in the evening after work I can usually manage to stop once in my 2.25 mile run; whereas for the same route this morning I had to stop earlier and twice in total. Ive put this down to time of day. Someone said to me well just run in the evening then...... I'm not sure what I thought of this :( I decided I would rather go out on a run before work and do not as well as I normally could. rather than not go out at all.

I aim to be able to up my length of my run and decrease my times I need to stop to hopefully zero. I must go out after my morning shifts and before my late shifts and at least 3-5 times a week.

Heres to the increase and eventually the half marathon :)

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