Tuesday 22 January 2013

Goooood Evening

Evening blogisphere

So I decided to see what this 30 day shred was all about :)

I ordered the DVD because I knew if I paid for it that I would be more likely to use it as otherwise it would have been a waste of money.

Today was day 2. Yesterday I felt ok but when I woke up this morning boy did I ache. and not just in my legs and arms all over!!

I perserverred and did today as well and my muscles still ache but they feel easier having loosened them up.

I wanted to get back out for a run but this evil white stuff keeps falling from the sky and ruining my plans!!! I couldnt run on the pavements as they were and it all started to thaw out and then half 4 this afternoon it decided it wasnt done with stopping my plans and dropped another foot of snow on us.

My boyfriend nearly skidded his car hitting into our wall but missed it by a metre at the most. we had to push him onto the drive :S and its still coming down now!!

Tomorrow was supposed to be my rest day but I have decided I am going to do some light stretching and try the yoga on the wii just to loosen up my muscles :)

I have been good as far as Cambridge goes today. I have had my 3 shakes as per normal but snuck half a packet of crisps in the afternoon as I was out and had nothing on me but those that were in my car :( I felt bad... but I have not had an evening meal yet tonight as I havnt really felt hungry... I may have an extra milkshake today which is what my consultant advised on days like this or when I do night shifts.

Im really pleased.

I didnt get to update yesterday as I was really 'snowed under' excuse the pun :P but I went to weigh in with Sally my consultant and she measured me and told me I had lost a total of 5 1/2 inches off of my body. Mark however wasnt too impressed when I told him that most of the inches happened to come off of my boobs :P. My step dad (RIP) always used to say that more than a handful was a waste so I told Mark that :P

I also lost a total of 12 lbs so far as you can now see on my tracker that has appeared on my page :)

hoping for an amazing week this week :) x

MMMMM stewed peaches for supper time treat

Thinsperation :)


  1. I have never been one for shakes. Could never stand the taste of them. :)

  2. well I found these really nice so far.

    flavours like cookies and cream, butterscotch chocolate orange or mint ..... the range of flavours I think is what has kept me interetsed :)
