
October 2013

I understand again its been a while. I had promised to do some new pictures before and I didn't. For one reason or another with weddings etc. it went my the wayside.

But they are here now :)

2nd August

Its been a while I am aware of that.

Here are some pictures I took at the end of July I have just got back from my holidays and this is my kick start back into it all :)

30th March

So I have taken my end of the month photo updates even though I posted some on the 22nd but this is this months views and my comparisons from last month.....

I'm hoping that next month I wil be able to show even more of a change :)

The white top is this month

22nd March

A brief photo update that I am not really keen to share but will as its going!!!!!! to change!!!!!!

28th February
So the end of another month and time for some more photos.... I didnt have time to take many as I have been working crazy hours so its just the one to compare this time

I havnt really noticed much improvement this month picture wise but have stayed within my target of losing approx 10 pounds a month as my loss now sits at 20 pounds :)

So here is my not so spectacular photo for this month really hoping the next ones start to show some more difference at the end of March :)

I notice my trousers are fitting looser but my muffin top is still ever present and very unwelcome !!!!

I wish I had a magic wand to banish the muffin top and bingo wings !!!!!!

28th January
So nearing the end of my first month and I feel like its going well :) I have gone over my lose 10 pounds mark which was my initial aim :) and Im feeling like I have more energy.

Here is a most recent up to date comparison picture plus a few others which I will use to make even better comparisons when it gets to Februarys end.

16th January

So its been going well over the last few days :) I have enjoyed my shakes and dinners.
My post run shake :)
My healthy dinner for last night :)

7th January

I made a collage of my before pictures :) I cant wait to take pictures in the same positions and no longer fitting in the same clothes and compare them in a few months time :)


I have been keeping track of what I have been having as meals and here are a few of my favourites.

my morning shake :)
 Egg Salad tonight... ooooo it was nice :) and a vanilla shake

 Tuna Salad and a shake

Chicken salad
My regular shake :)

3rd January

The way I look really disappoints me and putting photos on here is taking a lot of courage.

but the only way for me to document the difference I will make is with true photos of what i used to look like and ones along the way :)


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great progress!!

    I just started my own weight loss journey blog myself! And I stumbled across yours and subscribed! Check it out when you have time!
