Blogging at the gym :)
This week im off work to use up my holiday days and get all the stuff I wont get done for a couple weeks after my operation on weds 4th Dec.
I caught up with my lovely Nikki yesterday and a friend and her cute baby boy this morning. Ive been to my mums to nose and help with her decorating and have been out for a 3.3mile run too.
I get back home after my run to a message from my sister Emily saying "gym 4:30 be there or be square" it made me giggle :)
So here I am up at the gym doing some steady cycling and in a second im going to just do my resistance workout as I think ive done my quota of cardio today right? ?
Anyway training is going well for my first 6k run for charity and im really looking forward to it :)
For now bloggers ;)