Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Gym time :)

Blogging at the gym :)

This week im off work to use up my holiday days and get all the stuff I wont get done for a couple weeks after my operation on weds 4th Dec.

I caught up with my lovely Nikki yesterday and a friend and her cute baby boy this morning.  Ive been to my mums to nose and help with her decorating and have been out for a 3.3mile run too.

I get back home after my run to a message from my sister Emily saying "gym 4:30 be there or be square" it made me giggle :)

So here I am up at the gym doing some steady cycling and in a second im going to just do my resistance workout as I think ive done my quota of cardio today right? ?

Anyway training is going well for my first 6k run for charity and im really looking forward to it :)

For now bloggers ;)

Monday, 18 November 2013

Running again

Being back out there is great :) I really enjoy it when I go but where I have been unable to go for a while its really set me back... im slower and cant do the distance.

Yesterday I set myself the target of 6k in preparation for my sponsered run on 1st Dec.  And I did it :) 3.77 miles in 48 minutes is quite slow im aware of this but its my pace and ill get it faster when I want to.....

Tonight I start night shifts again so no running for me again until sunday.... this is what I find sets me back.... but its ok I have ALL of next week off so I can get plenty in :)

Heres a couple of up to date running gear pics and a before and after :p

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

All work and no play

Working life of a nurse.

Nurses are a special breed of people.They get up in the morning and go to work with one simple, yet profound purpose in mind: “I will care for you.”When asked what the most important tool in their workday is, every great nurse would surely answer, “My heart.”

All work and no play has made me a bad dieter and blogger. Im sorry.

I had been offered the chance to interview for a better/more stressful job within the same ward for a 6month secondment.  I interviewed but didnt get it but a good friend of mine did. The work up to it was stressful and I didnt log my food or get much exercise in.

Along with that my stomache pains have gradually got worse every month and cant wait to see whether this operation on the 4th December will help with any of that!!!

So here I am back again with a lot less stress hanging over my head. I will make more time for blogging running and logging on MFP ;) a set if nights abd then a week off for me will certainly do the trick  :)

I went out for a run/walk today.  well actually 2. I needed a wee... and my gloves it was a bit chilly.... so I did one walk/run then the second I went round the block. You see im in training :) I will be running a 6k dressed as santa claus in order to raise money for our local hospice who helped care for many local people some of which were very close to me.