Hiya all :)
So I've had a good few days :) I've been really trying with my shakes :) and healthy eating :)
I've been to the gym and been for a run too this week.
So yesterday I had a day off to myself. For the last few months really my days off have been all about weddings and catching up with friends who are moving away (selfish :(! ) but today was just a ME day.
I got up late and had my shake and some fruit and then did a bit of work :P I know I know you are going to say "but its your day off and you choose to do some work". Well here's why!
I have been nominated a position within my job already to be a lead nurse about..... NUTRITION.
I'm on my healthy eating journey and people have noticed how I'm doing it. Its not about helping patients to lose weight or improve their healthy eating per se; its about anything with nutrition from obesity to anorexia and how the lack of adequate nutrition can impact on healthcare. Patients who are malnourished actually stay in hospital longer. My aim is to help the staff on our ward notice malnourishment or to help patients notice the benefits of a healthy balanced diet. It also involves helping those who cant help themselves :)
Ok so the role means extra work for me and I don't get paid for it but it means all my colleagues will come to me for help with any problems and I will get offered extra training and study time to present to all of my colleagues how much of an important part of health is the diet!!!!
So anyway enough about that yes I did some work on my day off but after id done that. I lazed around :) to the point that I had done 2000 steps by 5pm. Normally on a ward day I would have reached my steps goal by then for sure. I knew I was going to go to the gym that evening so I wasn't too bothered :)
At the gym it was my night to have a real workout in my own time :) I went to the gym quite late as Mark was playing football at the sports centre where the gym was so we could walk there together and I didn't have to walk on my own in the dark :). So at 20:15 I was at the gym ready to take on my cardio session.
A few months back I worked out that if the day before I start night shifts I do a mammoth cardio session I can actually sleep the day after in preparation for the first night shift. And that's what yesterday was.
I warmed up on the bike even though I had walked to the gym :P then I did half an hour on the treadmill doing interval training and then 40 minutes on the cross-trainer/elliptical. by this time I was sweating buckets and was actually the last person left in the gym :P I felt cool :P
Once I had cooled down again on the bike I went out to finish watching Mark play football and stretched out my muscles :)
I felt amazing after burning what MFP said was around 1000 calories.
Today I definitely feel tired so its obviously a good thing for me to do the day before my nights :)
So that's you up to speed with my new role and my ace session at the gym before I start a week of nights.
I remember writing that I would take some pictures yesterday but I didn't get round to it so once I have finished my night shifts these will be done :) speak to you all then bloggers :)